Thioridazine is cheap, and it inhibits the replication of all encountered Mtb strains regardless of their antibiotic resistance status , it enhances intracellular killing of MDR Mtb and XDR Mtb , it cures the mouse of a pulmonary Mtb infection and it has cured 17 XDR TB patients without producing any serious side effects . So why has it not been seriously considered and used now for therapy of problematic TB infections that cannot be readily cured with other available drugs especially in countries where MDR, XDR TB and now TDR TB infections are present in huge numbers? I welcome your thoughts and involvement.

References that discusses all of the above:

Amaral L, Boeree M, Gillespie SH, Udwadia Z, van Soolingen D. Editorial: Thioridazine cures XDR TB: The need for Global Clinical Trials For therapy of XDR TB is now. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2010; 35:524-526.

Amaral L, Udwadia Z, Abbate E and van Soolingen D. The added effect of Thioridazine in treatment of resistant TB. Int J Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2012;16:1706-1708.

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