Ioannis N. Lymperis .. Independent researcher


The design method of applying artificial compression to the ends of all longitudinal reinforced concrete walls and, at the same time, connecting the ends of the walls to the ground using ground anchors placed at the depths of the boreholes, transfers the inertial stresses of the structure in the ground, which acts as an external force in the structure's response to seismic displacements. The wall with the artificial compression acquires dynamic, larger active cross-section and high biaxial stiffness, preventing all failures caused by inelastic deformation. By connecting the ends of all walls to the ground, we control the eigen frequency of the structure and the ground during each seismic loading cycle, preventing inelastic displacements. At the same time, we ensure the strong bearing capacity of the foundation soil and the structure By designing the walls correctly and placing them in proper locations, we prevent the torsional flexural buckling that occurs in asymmetrical structures, asymmetrical floor plans, and metal and tall structures.Compression of the wall sections mitigates the transfer of deformations to the connection nodes, strengthens the wall section in terms of base intersection shear and shear of the sections, prevents stress at the ends of the walls by introducing counteracting compressive forces. The use of tendons within the ducts prevents longitudinal shear in the overlay concrete, while anchoring the walls to the foundation not only dissipates inertial forces to the ground but also prevents rotation of the walls, thus maintaining the structural integrity of the beams.

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