Earthquake forecasting makes it possible to prevent fires, leakage of toxic substances in production, avoid tsunamis...
It is impractical to build strong structures, because after each earthquake that causes a resonance of the structure, the strength of the structure decreases, it becomes emergency and will be destroyed by the next earthquake. It is expedient to build such structures, which during destruction do not pose a danger to the person who is inside. Such buildings are easily restored or new ones are built.
For me, it's the buildings that kill people, not the earthquake.
If we had unscathed structures, people wouldn't be killed and property wouldn't be lost.
The question is 'Do scientists want to find a solution, or is it not in their interest because they will close down organizations since they will have no reason to exist?
I have simulation, I have experiments, I have theory, I have mathematical investigation and all of this published in a peer-reviewed journal.
I am not saying that these are enough There are many more experiments and simulations to be done.
The question is who will do these experiments since they cost money? Should I complete the research I am just a building developer who is just a private individual who has no profit from the research?
It should be that after my applied research the whole planet has risen up and is thoroughly investigating what I am talking about.
What's the problem and they don't do it? The problem is science itself. There are custodian scientists who defend the old knowledge and have created barriers so that it is impossible for new knowledge to spread.
I made this publication and have sent it everywhere in and outside of Greece.
They are not interested. Why? Because it is not in their interest to prevent structures from being damaged in the earthquake.
Because if structures are left unscathed in large earthquakes, earthquake forecasting scientists and those who are for structural studies will have no reason to exist.
I definitely agree with you that buildings kill people, not earthquakes!
You have done tremendous work to design earthquake-proof buildings. Your expertise will be in great demand in strong earthquake-prone areas, such as California, Japan, Chile, etc.
Recently, the danger of strong earthquakes that happen every 200-300 years was revealed in Cascadia, NW USA and British Columbia, Canada. There is some urgency in that area to retrofit existing structures and public buildings. The engineers / architects in that area may not be aware of your inventions and you should contact them. Also, they have the resources and funding to test and develop your proposals.
It is not difficult to build structures that will not crumble. But this is not always possible, it is very expensive, the entire build structures must simply be demolished and a new one built. There is also the problem of stopping transport so that the train does not fall off the rails, so that viaducts, platforms, etc. do not fall apart.
Hazardous production must be stopped in time... etc.
Forecasting earthquakes YESTERDAY was impossible.
Today, short-term forecast tests have already been successfully completed.
There is no problem in giving a forecast of place-time-strength for each earthquake with a reliability of about 100% and hours ahead, tens of hours before the start of tremors.
The UN leadership is hiding my methods and killing people. The UN supported a method that does not save people's lives, but simply eats up funding and reports that an earthquake has begun. (Do you need this or is it not enough?)
The UN went so far as to trick me into blocking me from LinkedIn. After that, I simply refused to log into LinkedIn.
The statement corresponds to reality. It should be taken into account that since 2004 I have done everything openly under the control of top-level specialists. In the beginning, Dr. Arie Gilat is a friend of Alexander Gorodnitsky; on the instructions of the Minister of Science of Israel, he conducted an examination and accepted my discovery.
Then the Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia instructed the Ex-President of IASPEI, the Chairman of the RES, prof., to conduct an examination. A.V. Nikolaev. If you look at the forums, many amateur seismologists have complained about its strictness. I had to prove my every position, every discovery. Moreover, he adhered to a hard line that “emotions and the preservation of people’s lives are the government’s business, and scientists must prove facts and not insert emotions. He wrote this both in the preface of the book and in my summary for defense...
Therefore, in 2006 he conducted an examination of the scientific basis. Please note - I theoretically present facts and events confirming the wave and wave speed and practically on earthquake forecasts and graphs of the relationship of the wave (amplitude, speed, direction) with earthquake parameters.
And only 6 years later - in 2012, based on my results, which I demonstrated, he proposed conducting tests, giving forecasts, as expected for earthquakes of magnitude 6 or more, in order to exclude accidental hits. During the tests, the Deputy also served as observers. Director of the Institute of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences and head of the ONZ RAN...
You represent responsibility. If there were errors, then everything would be immediately reset.
Утверждение соответствует реальности. Надо учесть, что начиная с 2004 года я все делал открыто под контролем специалистов высшего уровня. В начале доктор Арие Гилат - друг Александра Городницкого, он по заданию Министра науки Израиля провел экспертизу и принял мое открытие.
Затем Министр МЧС России поручил провести экспертизу Экс-Президенту IASPEI Председателю РЭС проф. А.В. Николаеву. Если посмотрите форумы, многие любители-сейсмологи жаловались на его строгость. Мне приходилось доказывать каждое мое положение, каждое открытие. Причем, он придерживался жесткой линии, что "эмоции и сохранение жизни людей - это дело правительства, а ученые должны доказывать факты и не вставлять эмоции. Он это написал и в предисловии книги и мне в резюме для защиты...
Потому в 2006 он провел экспертизу научной основы. Заметьте - я и теретически предъявляю факты и события подтверждающие волну и скорость волны и практически на прогнозах землетрясений и графиках связи волны (амплитуды, скорости, направления) с параметрами землетрясения.
И только через 6 лет - в 2012 он по моим результатам, которые я демонстрировал, он предложил провести испытания, давая прогнозы, как положено для землетрясений магнитудой 6 и более, чтоб исключить случайные попадания. В испытаниях наблюдателями были и Зам. директора ИФЗ РАН и руководитель ОНЗ...
Вы представляете ответственность. Если бы были ошибки, то все было бы сразу обнулено.
You complain that experts don't want to talk to you.
You will write an official letter to the Minister of Science and attach your article.
I believe that you will receive a serious answer.
If the answer is negative, you can gradually correct the comments.
You see, at this stage no one will scold you, they will point out the places where you write and do not provide evidence. This will allow you to bring your work to the desired level.
The book contains directly superimposed anomalies on the corresponding earthquakes. On the forum I posted a lot of anomalies and corresponding earthquakes after the fact. They correspond in constant - speed and in distance from the station to the epicenter...
When the enterprise and the “Academy” are created, agreements will be concluded, in classes we will analyze each anomaly, interpret it, it is possible that someone will have their own proposals for interpretation. I tried to work like this with Obninsk, but no one there was interested in understanding anything. They didn't even install two stations in two years. That’s why I said that I don’t work with anyone without funding and without contracts. There is such a law. If you got it for free, then no one needs it.
В книжке есть прямо наложенные аномалии на соответствующие землетрясения. На форуме я много выставил аномалий и соответствующих землетрясений пост-фактум. Они соответствуют по константе - скорости и по расстоянию от станции до места эпицентра...
Когда будет создано предприятие и "Академия", то будут заключены договора, на занятиях мы будем разбирать каждую аномалию, интерпретировать, возможно, что у кого-то будут свои предложения по интерпретации. Я попробовал с Обнинском так работать, но там никто не был заинтересован что-то понять. Они даже двух станций за два года не поставили. Потому я сказал, что без финансирования и без договоров ни с кем не работаю. Есть такой закон. Если бесплатно досталось, то это никому не нужно.
Dear Y. Halimi. Do you believe that there are no experts on Earth?
I have been working on short-term earthquake forecasting for 20 years. The results were accepted and confirmed by the Expert of the Institute of Geology of Israel, expert prof. Strashimir Mavrodiev, Ex-President of IASPEI, Chairman of the Expert Council of Russia prof. A. Nikolaev, confirmed by prof. E. Rogozhin - Deputy Director of the Institute of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences... You can see, if you want, more than 15 rezume confirming my theory of the Genesis of earthquakes and short-term forecasting of earthquakes...
But, if you want everyone to die, you may not recognize others and consider yourself “above everyone.” I am not eternal. If they don’t allow me to implement my system, then you will lose everything for more than ten years so that you yourself, as you really want, become the author of what has already been created, proven and patented.
Уважаемый Ю. Халими. Вы полагаете, что нет экспертов на Земле?
20 лет я веду работу по краткосрочному прогнозу землетрясений. Результаты приняты и подтверждены Экспером Института геологии Израиля, экспертом проф. Страшимиром Мавродиевым, Экс Президентом IASPEI Председателем Экспертного совета России проф. А. Николаевым, подтверждены проф. Е.Рогожиным - Заместителем директора ИФЗ РАН... Вы можете увидеть, если Вам этого хочется, более 15 заключений, подтверждающих мою теорию Генезиса землетрясений и мед краткосрочного прогноза землетрясений...
Но, если вы хотите, чтоб все умирали, вы можете не признавать других и считать себя "выше всех". Я не вечный. Если мне не дадут внедрить мою систему, то более десяти лет вы все потеряете на то, чтоб вам самим, как вам очень хочется, стать автором того, что уже создано, доказано и запатентовано.