Dear colleagues
Good day to you all. One of the most famous debates in Igneous Petrology is the relation between the diamondiferous rocks (i.e. lamprophyres, lamproites, orangeites and kimberlites). In 1991, the late geologist Nick Rock considered them to have similar petrological and geochemical signatures and were included in one group named the "Lamprophyre Clan". Recent publications have shown that relations do exist (e.g. see The "Lamprophyre Clan" Revisited 2022 paper in ResearchGate). The Version of Record is available online at: One can also read the Version of Record through the Springer SharedIt link (note that you need to use Wi-Fi in order to open the Springer SharedIt link).
On the other hand igneous petrologist Roger Mitchell, who disagreed with the idea, proposed the "Lamprophyre facies" concept which includes rocks that formed under volatile-rich conditions. Which one is correct? GPT-4 was also asked. The answer was that both terms can be correct, but they represent different perspectives in the study of these rocks (see attached jpeg). What is your opinion? Please comment.
Best regards
Ioannis Kamvisis