I have done many many DNA extractions from ticks over my 28 year career. The best is to store ticks at -80 C, freezing them while still alive. Drop the vial in liquid nitrogen before placing in -80 C. I strongly recommend NOT storing the ticks in ethanol, but if you must use ethanol, do not fill the tube with more than 10% of the tube volume with ticks and use the remainder of the tube volume for the ethanol. Once you purify the DNA, if you are doing genome sequencing, store at 4 C to prevent freezing and thawing from shortening the DNA strand length and affecting the read lengths of Pac Bio or Nanopore. Best to preserve in 10 mM Tris, pH 8.0 and at -80 C.
Usually extracted DNA kept in -20 or -80 for long time storage. I think storing it in -80 or -20 is both okay depending on the availability. Following article will also help you.
Article Evidence-based recommendations on storing and handling speci...
Il would suggest to keep ticks at -20 °C for long term storage, but if these ticks are stored in Ethanol 70%, the coold room temperature of about 4°C remains okey
I have done many many DNA extractions from ticks over my 28 year career. The best is to store ticks at -80 C, freezing them while still alive. Drop the vial in liquid nitrogen before placing in -80 C. I strongly recommend NOT storing the ticks in ethanol, but if you must use ethanol, do not fill the tube with more than 10% of the tube volume with ticks and use the remainder of the tube volume for the ethanol. Once you purify the DNA, if you are doing genome sequencing, store at 4 C to prevent freezing and thawing from shortening the DNA strand length and affecting the read lengths of Pac Bio or Nanopore. Best to preserve in 10 mM Tris, pH 8.0 and at -80 C.