11 December 2021 4 1K Report

Dear community,

In my bachelor thesis I am looking into 4 channel IF stainings of the mouse hippocampus. Until now I had to manually count the marker positive cells in the stacks using Fijis cell counter, often amounting to several hundred cells and hours of work.

To shorten this tedious process I want to know if there is a (preferably open source) software to deal with automatic cell counting in a z Stack.

As the morphology of the markers are very different (Radial glia processes vs nuclear stainings) I dont expect that everything can be automated. But it would help me greatly if BrdU, MCM2 and beta-galactosidase could be semi automatically assessed/segmented.

Several challenges that arise from the dataset are the very close proximity of the b-gal+ cells as well as their appearance on different slices because of their size. Furthermore the staining intensity is less towards the middle of the stack due to antibody penetration.

Are there any pipelines or programs to deal with this kind of dataset? CellProfiler only seems to be working on 2D images and neither Icy nor Fiji showed my any solution "out of the box". I would be willing to adapt current plugins to make them work on my dataset, but I am not sure where to start.

Perhaps some expert in image data analysis is reading this and can help in this matter!

Attached I provide a view of the different channels in a typical image as a Maximum intensity projection. If you require raw data for testing an idea, I will happily provide it.

Thank you all for your suggestions and your help!

Best regards


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