One thing to also consider is who you might want to collaborate with in the future. If you know for instance mang colleagues who use NVivo or MAXQDA then it can be easier to plan projects and analyze data together when “speaking” the same language.
After trying Maxqda and NVivo, I prefer by far Maxqda.
It's more user-friendly, really intuitive, it's the exact same software for Windows and Mac (NVivo lacks a lot of features on Mac, and it's a nightmare when collaborating). It has also a lot of import and export options, allowing to import all kind of data and to continue the analysis in other softwares if needed. And there is a reader (free) for colleagues who don't own a licence : they can see and explore the project (but not editing).
I recommend you QDA Minor or NVIVO 11 (Later version). All are user friendly softwares. I have used QDA Minor in my dissertation and I found it user friendly and very helpful.
I'm using MaxQDA for my PhD thesis data analysis. And I found it user friendly! It has all required features for qualitative data analysis. You can also do some quantitative analysis and mixed methods analysis.