I have some XRD data with me. i want to draw the crystal structure of the material. which software I can use for this purpose? can someone please help me
@Divyasree Sasikumar first perform Rietveld refinement of your xrd data, it generates cif of your material. Use this cif as an input in VESTA software so as to get crystal structure.
You will first know the crystallographic model (CIF) of your XRD pattern. You can perform that by search&match software such as QualX (https://www.ba.ic.cnr.it/softwareic/qualxweb/) or by structural determination if you are sure that you have only one phase (GSASII or EXPO 2014 are good on that). Then you should refine the structure and then draw it.
You may use VESTA (https://jp-minerals.org/vesta/en/), the DEMO version of Diamond (https://www.crystalimpact.com/diamond/) or the free version of Marcury (https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/community/csd-community/freemercury/).
I recommend you to choose depending on the kind of draw you want. All of them have many tutorials on youtube.
For example: for simple structures, I usually use the Diamond or Mercury. For interfaces I usually use Vesta.