Hello friends,

I am doing real time pcr for my standard gene which is 36B4. I did serial dilution from 10^-1 to 10^-5. My highest concentration is 200 pg/micro liter and then serial dilution. I use STRATAGENE MX 3005P machine and use SYBR green from same company. I do not understand why my first dilution which have highest concentration in this serial dilution have amplification plot like that whether as other are as normal. I also get good efficiency of 103% and R square of 0.989 which I think is perfect. In the text view I do not see Ct value for this first dilution in the series. what might be wrong? Can you please kindly explain me what's wrong with this specific dilution (the highest concentration) one while everything still remaining same.

Please help me. Its urgent.

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