02 February 2017 6 1K Report

I'm analysing some imaging data but having a bit of a problem. When the images were taken, some of them have uneven shading. I want to set a threshold to analyse the area certain features within the image but have to adjust manually for each part of the image and between images to capture the parts that I want.

I have heard people said to keep the threshold the same between images. But I also found some protocols also suggest that if there's uneven shading, manually adjustments will be needed. 

Even between images that looks very similar, when I apply the same threshold, I always have to readjust it too because the threshold for one image won't match 100% with the next. 

Do you think it's ok to do so? Many say this will introduce biases but I personally think the biases will not be as big and that it's still better than keeping the same threshold between images of different shading that will capture unwanted parts. 

The uneven shading seems unavoidable no matter how careful I am. 

Thank you very much

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