Given a business problem, there is no hard and fast rule to determine the exact number of neurons and hidden layers required to build a neural network architecture. The optimal size of the hidden layer in a neural network lies between the size of the output layers and the size of the input. However, here are some common approaches that have the advantage of making a great start to building a neural network architecture –
To address any specific real-world predictive modeling problem, the best way is to start with rough systematic experimentation and find out what would work best for any given dataset based on prior experience working with neural networks on similar real-world problems. Based on the understanding of any given problem domain and one’s experience working with neural networks, one can choose the network configuration. The number of layers and neurons used on similar problems is always a great way to start testing the configuration of a neural network.
It is always advisable, to begin with, simple neural network architecture and then go on to enhance the complexity of the neural network.
Try working with varying depths of networks and configure deep neural networks only for challenging predictive modeling problems where depth can be beneficial.