Hi all,
I am having some issues with my Trizol-based RNA isolations. I am attempting to harvest RNA from bone marrow derived macrophages (3x10^6). After the initial separation with chloroform I observe the characteristic three phases. I collect the aqueous phase and perform a second chloroform wash (been advised that this helps remove extra phenol). After centrifugation, three phases are again observed (top and bottom are clear with a pinkish interphase). I collect the top most layer and continue processing according to the protocol. I then add isopropanol and 10 ug of glycogen. After spinning oddly I observe another phase separation. I cannot see an RNA pellet but instead observe a white cloudy suspension in the interphase where I fear my RNA is. I discard the supernatant and continue with ethanol washing where I think my pellet should be. Unfortunately, my RNA yield was very low (5-9 ng/uL).
I have saved the supernatant but am unsure how to collect my RNA (in the event that it is still there).