I am having great troubles with either the ribo zero kit for mammalian cells or the pico chip (Agilent, for BioA), checking for rRNA contamination. I have had good profiles in the past but since a couple of experiments I cannot get the correct profiles anymore. I used a new Ribo-0 kit yesterday. My samples are mouse RNA, which I extracted with trizol. I did a Turbo DNAse treatment and PCR to validate absence of gDNA followed by a Nano chip before the ribo zero to check for RINs, not great but alright (6-7). After Ribo-0 I cleaned the samples using AMPure beads, in 1.5mL (I usually do a 96 well plate, could that be the problem?). Can you find any possible explanation for the following profiles on the pico chip? Why do I have high MW stuff in my first lane going into the 2nd lane? This high MW isn't showing up in the Nano chip on the total RNA sample. Thank you so much for your help!

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