Mass (kg) X acceleration = Inertia which is the same as the intersection of the base. The product of inertia if we multiply it by the height we find the overturning moment of the column. If we have a wall that has a double lever arm (except for the lever arm of height and that of width) then the product of the tipping moment is divided by the width of the wall and this will be the tipping moment of the wall. If the wall is anchored at its base, a reaction will be created to the overturning torque of the lever, which multiplies (as we have seen) the overturning forces, since, as the height increases, its overturning force also multiplies. If the anchor is at the bottom of the wall, the critical failure area will also appear there and the anchor point is also the lever of the wall. Question If the anchoring of the wall is not at its lower ends, but is at its upper ends. That is, if we place this wall on a machine - press and apply pressure to it, it will remain a lever arm or its mechanical condition will change; 1) Will we have a multiplication of the tipping forces as it happens when the anchor is applied to its lower extremities? 2) Will a critical area of ​​failure of right forces N (compression and tension) be created as it happens when the anchorage is applied to its lower extremities? In short, we know that the walls drop high torques at the base since that is where the reaction of any substandard anchorage is. If the anchoring is done on the roof (ie if pre-tensioning is applied between the upper ends of the sides of the wall and the foundation ground) it will lower torques at the base and will create or not a critical failure area;

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