Normal amplification of the particular gene with the same set of primers is routine work for me. But this is how it all got ruined.

I am amplifying a set of reaction for sequencing but I am always left with secondary bands in accordance to my desired band.

Note: I dont want to gel elute the band, instead I want the PCR to be optimized

Fig 1. I do normal amplification of the 1.5 kb fragment with amplitaq dna poly (invitrogen),

PCR mix: 10x taq buffer (without mgcl2) -- 5 µl

dNTP mix (10 mM, 2.5 mM each) -- 1.5 µ

Forward primer µl -- 1 µl

reverse primer µl-- 1 µl

mgcl2 (50 mM) -- 3 µl

amplitaq pol (5U/µl) -- 0.6 µl

DNA (30ng) -- 2 µl

vol upto 50 µl

PCR condition :

94 ------------- 3 min

94 ------------- 1 min

50 ------------- 30 sec

72 ------------- 1 min 30 sec

72 ------------- 10 min

hold 4 deg.

Fig 2. To remove the secondary bands I intend to do a gradient PCR this time. (50-60 deg). The gradient PCR was done following the same pcr reaction mixture in 8 replicates. But this time again i Encounter the secondary bands.

PCR mix: Same as above.

PCR condition: 94 -----------3min

94-------------- 1 min

50-60 deg -------- 30 sec

72 -------------- 1 min 30 sec

72 -------------- 10 min

hold at 4 deg

Result: The sample amplification of my 1.5 kb band accompanied with secondary bands at all the anneal temp.

Fig 3. Two PCR products from the above reaction are column purified with Bangalore Genei PCR product purification kit.

Fig 4. PCR amplification again done with increased annealing temperature (59 deg). But the same problem persists. Non specific bands are again accompanied by the desired band of 1.5 kb.

PCR mix: same as above.

PCR condition: 94 ------------- 3 min

94 -------------- 1 min

59 -------------- 30 sec

72 --------------- 1 min 30 sec

72 --------------- 10 min

hold 4 deg

Kindly help me get rid of the secondary larger fragments in my PCR.

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