All the information I know so far is, A relaxed molecular clock is used, the mutation rate is 1.5% per mya, and normal distribution prior and GTR+I+gamma model. how do I setting priors and rate on the beast?
please help!!!
Hi. I am recently designing biomedical antennas. The problem is the permittivity difference between the skin and the air is too big, so I am having difficulties in delivering RF power to the...
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I am planning an lab study on effect of hypoxia on glucose metabolism of cancer cell. For hypoxia exposure, I am considering anaerobic chamber system. My concern is that if I use this chamber,...
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I personally feel this as a most confusing question. As per my understanding, if sample size is > 30, and sample is skewed, we can still use paramteric approach, as it will follow Z...
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How would define the "good" and "poor" distribution of particles within the matrix. Is there a quantitative solution to assess the distribution of the particles, which then having denotation of...
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I am studying animal cognition and I have data about animals' latency to approach a cue and animals' distance from the cue in a test. Data are not normally distributed and when I do scatterplots...
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I am calculating emissions considering the uncertainty of the data to do Monte Carlo simulation. Some variables such as yields have normal, lognormal or even uniform distributions. These must be...
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Hey there, I am currently working on the statistics of counted and expected genotypes in mice litter of a mutant mouse model. I have two different mutated genes, both alone and in combination, one...
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