This is a huge discussion because nowadays online teaching is part of our reality since last semester. How can we adopt the hybrid system (face-to-face and distance) to organize better classes for our students?
I also agree that it is a big discussion Leonardo Mataruna as it affects the entire planet. In special, as children were mentioned أ. م. د. محمد جواد كاظم السلامي , care must be taken not to fall out of the trap of focusing only on the transmission of content, but rather to think about how to provide training experiences for children. The retention time of children in front of the computer needs to be rethought, intervals need to be considered, diversify activities and explore the possibilities of interaction. It is very valuable to give space for them to speak, listening at that moment is essential. What the children are weighing at the moment, what are their problems, their difficulties, their experiences. Because they are in their homes, and their parents are not available all the time. Children need to play, in this sense the play pedagogy could supports a lot...
Article Building scientific meanings through the Solar System Project
Article Teaching science for children 5-6 years old
Paul: What I have observed in my online college courses is that most students will not complete online assignments, quizzes, or homework unless there are points or a grade involved.
Has anyone else observed this same student behavior?
By using the e-learning platform adopted in my institution, I noticed the same remarks as Paul Stock . Indeed, it is like in face to face teaching, in distance teaching the students did the homework/quizzes only when the latter are noted. So, the students’ behavior is almost the same for my students whether in face to face teaching or at distance.
Online teaching Increased flexibility of time, Increased flexibility of location, Context, Information sharing, Diverse and enriching experience, Access, equity & disability AND Digital information literacy.
No necesariamente, puedes utilizar herramientas de videoconferencias para intercambiar esclarecer sus dudas y absolver sus dudas y algo más. También ejemplificar mediante situaciones didácticas concretas.