21 Questions 220 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Paul Stock
I am conducting research on the factors that influence a college student's choice of a major and minor. So, I'd like to ask you what factors influenced your decision of your academic major?
20 January 2019 3,270 30 View
I have recently read some articles that warn of an upcoming Economic Recession. It made me wonder, "What are these predictions based on?" The articles don't provide much detail. So I want to...
26 December 2018 9,095 6 View
What steps do you take to prevent students from cheating on an exam? Do you make more than one version of each exam? Do you take the student's cell phones? Is there a policy about cheating in...
23 December 2017 131 18 View
"Inflation Targeting" has pros and cons. Do you think a Central bank should have a well-established inflation target and make it known? Why or why not?
07 July 2017 241 18 View
If you are a college professor, what percent of your time is spent teaching or preparing to teach (from 0% to 100%)? What percent of your time is spent on research (from 0% to 100%)? Do you wish...
07 July 2017 7,640 46 View
What are the pros and cons of having an independent Central Bank which can't be easily influenced by government officials? Do most countries have an independent Central bank? Why or why not?
06 July 2017 9,856 6 View
Many cities and states in the United States are pushing the Minimum wage higher and higher. Many have a goal of $15 an hour or more. As the Minimum wage goes higher and higher, what are the...
05 July 2017 4,714 22 View
How can an Economics teacher, instructor, or professor teach controversial topics like immigration, minimum wage, health care reform, etc. without inserting their own biased opinions and views? I...
03 July 2017 9,717 17 View
I read a recent study from the University of Washington that shows the increase in Minimum wage in Seattle did more harm than good. The workers actually earned less total income because their...
01 July 2017 8,642 5 View
Why or why not? What are the main factors involved in the current low oil prices?
30 December 2015 8,138 2 View
A basic assumption in Economics is that 'consumers act rationally'. However, one of my students recently questioned this assumption as being invalid. What are your thoughts about this...
25 December 2015 7,201 8 View
I am conducting a study to determine what percent of church 'members' actually participate in church activities like choir, bible study, youth ministries, church outreach, transportation, grounds...
24 December 2015 9,774 14 View
How do you evaluate (measure) the "quality" of an online college course? Is an online course evaluated differently than a face-to-face class, as far as "Quality"? Why or why not?
01 January 1970 4,578 43 View
Some of my college students do not trust the national government. Therefore, they don't believe the 'official' unemployment rate, inflation rate, GDP data, etc. They don't believe any economic...
01 January 1970 1,290 72 View
Is it better for a national economy to have relatively low interest rates to encourage more borrowing or is it better to have relatively high interest rates to encourage savings? Why?
01 January 1970 6,589 19 View
Recently, the president of the United States threatened to issue a tariff against Mexico if the government of Mexico doesn't help lower the number of illegal immigrants into the USA from Latin...
01 January 1970 9,680 16 View
How do wealthy households react to higher interest rates? What actions can they take to protect their net worth from higher interest rates?
01 January 1970 1,585 4 View
I recently asked on RG if low or high interest rates were better for a national economy. Most people said that lower interest rates are better for economic development and growth. But can...
01 January 1970 4,614 12 View
January is usually the month that companies and universities announce an annual pay raise for their employees. I would like to know if you receive an annual Merit pay based on your past...
01 January 1970 7,647 0 View
Have you heard of The Sahm Rule to predict a recession? The Sahm Rule identifies signals related to the start of a recession when the three-month moving average of the national unemployment rate...
01 January 1970 1,894 9 View
Do you have a large Income Gap in your country? Are the wealthy too wealthy? Are the poor too poor? Is the Income Gap a problem in your country? Why or why not?
01 January 1970 3,301 0 View