Hi to all,

Recently I have read some paper related to extracellular vesicles. In the article, I found that some Transcriptional factors(TF) and other macromolecules can be transported by EV. Given that the iPSC constructed by Yamanaka is related to the transferation of four additonal TFs and we cannot simply generate stem cells from mature somatic cells. I am speculating that if the stem cells generation in normal physiological process need some certain EVs (and the cargoes in it). Or change another word, if we can stimulate the pluripotency of somatic cells by adding some special EVs isolated from human tissues? If such a kind of EV really exist, maybe we can analysize its composition to help in generating iPSCs.

Another question is, given that eucaryotic cells can communicate by EVs, small molecules(e.g. endocrine) and direct cantact, which one may be the latest evolved during the evolution (I'm not sure whether "the latest evolved" has the simmilar meaning of "the most complexed" to some extent)?

Since bavteria have quorum sensing system similar to endocrine(in my opinion) and the paper I read noticed that they also have EV, I am wondering if we can get some cues of communication methods evolution by studying the EV-produce-ability in bacteria.

Can someone talk about these ideas freely or kindly give me some points you know related to my question?

Thank you for your time! 

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