Using Interferrometer to detect subtle things as Ether or Gravitational Waves is a wrong approach.  It assume the plane and polarization to be correct.  Then it assumes the waves to be simple 1D or 2D, when they can be more complex in 3D. It assumes Frequency which only Man can measure.

For 100 plus years, they taught us Michelson Morely Experiment, which has been proven to be wrong, by Casimir and Dynamic Casimir Effects, and Lamb Shifts,

It was fool hardy to make a mechanistic contraption to measure something as subtle as Ether and assume it to be a one dimensional drift based on Earth going over one dimensional rotation, and discarding other motions as well assuming Ether to be like Wind.

Einstein also thought we could not detect the GW.

My question on LIGO:

0. Why no one explains the real reason for Gravity, beyond Mass?  Einstein said the same thing as Newton using Tensor Calculus.  One can give mass an infinitely small mass to photon to ignore and under infinite Mass, when passing over it, it would take a "drop" or "dip".

1.  How did they assume to build 2M long Inteferrometer?

2. How did they assume the plane of the earth was the correct one?

3. How did they isolate all the movements of earth, jitter in earth's orbits because of moon, sun, galaxy, black hole and its surroundings.

4.  Was the mirror polished to the extent that it was 1/1000 x 100 proton width smoother?

5. Was the pendulum so strong, that it would not move even 1/1000 x 1/00 proton width?

6. How did they think the signature of the waves was sent from 2 colliding black holes?  You mean it was a theoretical match?  Why that wave could not have been sent by some Dark Energy or Dark Matter colliding, parting and so on?  Exact match would hapenned if they would have witnessed the colliding signature at t=0.

7. Why are they assuming simplistic two plane vibration, where one plane is stretching and the other plane is compressing?  Where does this model come from?  I have understood GR Tensor Equation, but no where seen a solution so far. One of things to do..  But in my view the real reason for Gravity would speak out loud that there are complex 3D waves beyond human detection.

8. If they cannot measure Dark Matter and Dark Energy and almost not detect Neutrinos, how they can be sure that some extra passing Neutrinos or something else caused the chirp?

9. When two black bodies, 10x larger than our Sun, collide, the collision is not a blip event.  It goes on for sometime.  Why they did not see the constant blips of waves or waves of blips over a long period of time.  Do not tell me our Sun would collide with another Sun and vanish in a time order of 0.4 secs!  To get an idea about Tidal of Energies involved, just a simple Solar Flare goes on for days.  Guys were are talking about 2 10 Suns colliding and we only get a

10.  Did they track Earth's Magnetic Field and Charge Build at the Laser-Pump Interface.  Did they account for Delbrück Scattering, Kerr Effect, Magneto Kerr Effects?

11.  This is worse than MM Experiment, where they were at least shifting the legs in different direction.  Here they assume the Wave to be in orthogonal plane and polarized parallel to Limbs of LIGO!

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