16 Questions 280 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Andrew Worsley
It is generally thought (see Special Relativity, A. P. French) that the magnetism we detect form an electric field, is related to relative motion with respect to that field. Specifiically a moving...
31 March 2018 6,592 6 View
Time stops at the event horizon so nothing can fall into a black hole in the lifetime of the Universe in GTR. Equally space vanishes to nothing so a black hole has a radius and a surface area but...
10 March 2018 1,150 37 View
It is said of general relativity that it has been experimentally proven. But what about experiments involving black holes and the recent LIGO experiments - do they really uphold GTR?
29 June 2017 9,475 91 View
GTR does not predict a bifurcation in the graviational wave at the chirp. Is there something wrong with GTR
06 June 2017 1,366 30 View
Tachyonic fields are well accepted in QED and in string theory. Gravitons, the theoretical mediators of the gravitational force, if they existed, would by definition need to propagate faster than...
12 October 2016 511 24 View
Black holes are considered to be the most powerful gravitational objects in the Universe. But the obvious question is if nothing (even light) can escape a black event horizon how can the effects...
01 October 2016 5,796 85 View
Time is supposed to stop at the black hole event horizon. So the question is what happens inside the black hole, does time for instance go back wards as some theorists believe.
12 September 2016 9,939 17 View
Action and reaction are equal and opposite- but does this apply to high amperage cable when switched on. Specifically will the cable tend to move in a whiplash fashion or any other fashion.
05 May 2016 9,741 3 View
In early experiments SLAC found 3 point like components in both the proton and neutron. Thus confirming the quark like structure of the hadrons. A vitally important question ensues: did they find...
27 April 2016 4,209 15 View
The classical electron radius is well known and effectively represents the charge radius which is 2.82 X 10^-15 m. The "physical" radius of the free electron has yet to be determined...
30 December 2015 6,789 79 View
Quite simply put, chlorophyll reflects both yellow and green light. If it evolved on Earth why on Earth should it reflect yellow light, after all the Sun emits yellow light. So you would expect...
01 January 1970 788 4 View
A definitive answer does not appear forthcoming from the Planck data set. Wiki quotes a critical mass density of 8.62 ^10-27 kg/m3. Others quote an overall mass density of 9.9 ^10-27 kg/m3, which...
01 January 1970 4,807 5 View
To date the presence of Dark Energy, has remained a mystery. This is solved on the basis of fundamental unit of energy, Planck's constant, from which space-time itself, the forces of nature...
01 January 1970 3,484 50 View
Classically GTR predicts a slowing of time approaching the event horizon and that slowing is infinite at the event horizon. This is predicted to produce an observed red shifting of the signal and...
01 January 1970 9,171 28 View
Dark Energy constitutes 70% of the entire energy of the Universe and until now has remained a mystery. In this discussion we resolve the nature of what dark energy is from the fundamental quantum...
01 January 1970 6,362 3 View
Given we have knowledge of only 5% of the Universe, can this and the 95% remainder of the Universe including Dark Energy and Dark Matter be understood with a single paradigm shift.
01 January 1970 5,613 22 View