This question is probably mostly for statisticians, but here we go. It is easy enough to serially dilute DNA (or cDNA, RNA...) to a theoretical concentration of 1 copy per uL of water. My question is "If you pipette 1uL of this solution, what is the probability that it will contain 1 copy of template". From a simplistic standpoint, one could say that 100uL of this solution would contain 3x10^21 water molecules and 100 template molecules. Pipetting 1uL would be equivalent to pipetting 3x10^19 molecules. What are the chances that 1 of these molecules is template? Along this line of thinking, it should be possible to calculate how many uL of solution would give 95% confidence having at least one template molecule.

I realize that this is simplistic and relative molecular size, molecular attraction and such must be taken into account but it could give us an idea... Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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