09 September 2016 14 2K Report

The cell line that i use proliferates at 33 degrees, and differentiates at 37 degrees. they are hardly any detailed protocols avaIlable online so i was wondering if this protocol i adapted below would work in general. Also can all cells generally be freezed down using FBS?

Plan for podocytes cell line:

Thawing from cryovial (2.25 x 10^6 cells total) upon arrival from shipping

1)      Incubate RPMI media in waterbath. Have tissue with ethanol sprayed ready.

2)      Transfer 8ml media into 50ml falcon tube.

3)      Thaw cryovial in waterbath till small clump of ice remains.  

4)      Wipe cryovial 70% ethanol.

5)      Transfer contents of vial into falcon tube, resuspend up and down gently.

6)      Centrifuge 1500 rpm for 2 minutes.

7)       Discard supernatant.

8)      Resupend cell in 10ml RPMI media gently up and down.

9)      Transfer everything into 10 cm dish at 33 degrees celcius incubation.

Once 80 % confluency is reached,

1)      Incubate trypsin RT, media in waterbath

2)      Remove media using suction.

3)      Wash with 10ml 1X PBS.

4)      Remove PBS with suction.

5)      Add 2ml trypsin into 10cm dish.

6)      Tap gently on sides to detach.

7)      Observe under microscope for detachment  once 50% detached, bring back into hood.

8)      Neutralise with 10ml media.

9)      Centrifuge at 1500rpm for 2 minutes.

10)   Remove supernatant.

11)   Resupend pellet with 5 ml media.

12)   Add 1ml cell suspension into 10 cm proliferating plate then add 9ml media.  Add 0.5ml cell suspension into 3cm  plate then add 2.0ml media (this plate will be grown at 33 degrees for proliferation until 80% confluency then it is transferred to 37 degrees for differentiation.

13)   Centrifuge remaining cells in tube at 1500rpm for 2 minutes.

14)   Remove supernatant.

15)   Resuspend pellet in 20 ml FBS.

16)   Transfer 1ml of this suspension into each cryovial incubate at -80 degrees

17)   Next day thaw one of the vials and grow in 10cm plate to see if it can grow.

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