Hello protein gurus,

I'm expressing a protein (~50 kDa) that contains a 6x-His tag from 293T cells into the media supernatant The media is complete DMEM (10% FBS, 1% PSG, and 0.1% Blasticidin). I'm trying to purify large volumes of supernatant (1L) and I don't have a system such as the AKTA from GE, so I'm doing all this manually. I'm having several problems with purification that maybe someone can assist with.

To reduce my volume considerably, I've isolated the protein with ammonium sulfate precipitation and confirmed by western blot that the protein precipitates at 50% saturation. After scaling up to 1L, the precipitated protein was resuspended in PBS then dialyzed against PBS at 4C using a 25 mL, 10k MWCO dialysis cassette from Thermo. Sample volume was 25 mL, so dialysis was done by replacing 2L of PBS buffer over a 72 hr period, for a total of 12L of PBS. However, I don't understand why my gel lanes are still distorted after salt removal. (see attached images, first image is Coomassie-stained gel before dialysis, second is western blot of same sample after dialysis). Is the lane distortion caused by excess salt still present in the sample? I will try a second desalting step with Sephadex G-25 resin or Zeba desalting column, but shouldn't dialysis be enough? Maybe not, since 50% saturation requires nearly 300g of ammonium sulfate for a 1L volume...

My next question is on the second purification step with Ni-NTA resin. I can't just run the supernatant over the Ni-NTA column for two reasons: I don't have an automated system to process 1L of volume (which is why I used ammonium sulfate) and also FBS interferes with binding to the resin. I've already tried lowering the FBS to 2% and using serum-free media, but expression levels are much lower from the 293T cells. So, after desalting, the media will still have FBS present, and won't bind to the Ni-NTA column. How do I overcome this? I purchased His-Trap Excel columns from GE that are supposedly able to purify directly from the supernatant. Does anyone have experience with these columns? My other alternative is to use Protein L which doesn't bind FBS, but the resin is not cheap! Any suggestions?

Disclaimer: my background is nowhere near proteins and my lab is heavily focused on radiochemistry, but for some reason I've managed to focus my entire PhD on proteins :)

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