Hi, how I can fix the properties of the interface element between masonry and fiber reinforced? the properties have to be the same on varying the curvature of the masonry.
its depend where is the application or where you want to apply. of course FRC is better than masonry but cost is also high compare to masonry. Physical and mechanical as well as chemical properties are very good in FRC. You can use it in any shape or form.
Quiero entender bien el problema primero. Ud. está trabajando con mamposteria que piensa reforzar con fibras de carbono y su preocupación es la interfce entre estos
dos materiales. Este es el problema? He trabajado el IC Debonding en vigas de hormigon reforzadas con fibras.
En Ecuador, despues del terremoto de 2016, decidimos cambiar de paredes de bloques a Gypsum que es un material liviano y flexible.