Dear All

I am working on Baculovirus expression system. I cloned the gene of interest in pFASTBACK. Then I transformed this plasmid in DH10Bac bacteria to make the bacmid.

I extracted the bacmids from white and blue colonies and did the PCR using either M13 Forward and Reverse primers or M13 Forward and gene specific Reverse primers (attached). White colony shows the fragment with the right size with both pairs of primers. However, in blue colonies I expected to see 300 bp fragment but there is no band. I also expected to have no band using M13 forward and gene specific reverse primer. This pattern exists in different blue colonies.

Based on the bands here, the primers bind to the template correctly (I think). So, what could be a reason for this in blue colonies?

Does anyone have any idea of what is going on here?

Any comments would be much appreciated.

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