Hi, I am trying to prepare DAB for IHC. I have recently purchased 5g of DAB http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sigma/d5637?lang=en®ion=AE and according to our protocol, I need to dissolved 1g of DAB in 40 ml of distilled water and aliquot into 40 vials.
Unfortunately the DAB does not seem to dissolve. I have tried adding HCL but it didn't work.
I then decided to aliquot the solution into vials, but because of the high amount of undissolved DAB, I got DAB powder stuck in the tips (that is when I decided to filter the solution).
Filtering produced a clear yellow colored solution. I have in the past received one vial of prepared DAB from another lab and the solution was not clear and yellow! It was cloudy and silver in color.