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For a categorical independent variable, with two levels of 1 or 0, my IVs are X1 and X2, both measured on a continuous scale of 1-5. I am measuring an interaction between X1 and X2, with X2 being the moderator and in the model

B1 for X1 isn't significant by itself (which I know isn't that valuable given its necessary only when X2 is zero). B2 is not significant too, neither is the constant but the interaction Beta is.

I want to plot the Logodds so what I did was for increase in X2 value, I calculated a beta value using B1+B3*X2 formula, using two levels of X2- 1SD above mean and other 1 SD below mean.

My question is am calculating logodds for plotting using the formula B1X1+B3*X1*X2, should I include B2X2 as well in the formula to calculate the logodds, though the term is insignificant? What about the intercept?

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