I want to plot the fixed effects of repeated measurement analyses performed using the LMER and GLMER functions of the lme4 package. So far, plots using sjPlot package have worked fine - for both linear an non-linear associations in LMER models:
sjp.lmer(fit1, type = "fe.slope", vars = c("x1"))
sjp.lmer(fit2, type = "poly",poly.term = "x1")
As well as linear effect from GLMER models:
sjp.glmer(fit1, type = "fe.slope", vars = c("x2"))
However, the poly function for plotting non-linear effect does not work for GLMER models. I cannot find anything further specified about this in the package description or other sources.
Anyone know how to plot non-linear effects of GLMER model, with the sjPlot package or any other way?