I am trying to do a routine midiprep of a plasmid for AAV production. The plasmid is pAd Delta F6 (AAV helper virus from UPENN). I got the plasmid directly from the core facility, transformed into OneShot Stbl3 cells, plated on fresh LB agar plates with ampicillin (100 ug/ml). There were plenty of colonies on the plate the next day. I picked a couple of colonies and inoculated fresh LB broth (5 ml) supplemented with 100 ug/ml ampicillin. The overnight culture grew just fine. 

Then, I went to use that as a starter culture for a midiprep. I put 50 ml of fresh LB (the same used for the overnight culture) into a clean, autoclaved 250 ml erlenmeyer flask. I added 100 ug/ml ampicllin (which I keep at 1000x stock). I inoculated the flask with 100 ul of the overnight culture (so 1:500 dilution) and put in the incubator to shake overnight (200 rpm) at 37C.

The next day (13 hours later) there is no growth. Nothing. I've done this a couple of times now and it seems plasmid specific. Just to make sure that it's not something else I'm doing, I grew up another set of Stbl3 that contain an amp-resistant plasmid (AAV-shRNA construct) at the same time, and it grows just fine in the 50 ml prep. So what's the deal? How could something grow in a miniculture but not 50 ml? 

It's possible I have some false colonies on the original plate, but I picked 3 colonies, and they all grew in ampicillin-containing 5 ml cultures, so I dont' suspect that I got some random bacteria that had amp resistance. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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