I seek for advice on the next point:

I need to coexpress two proteins from two independent plasmids, normaly in BL21(DE3). The first one would be a pET15b or pET26b-like one (pBR322 ori). Induction would be triggered with IPTG. For the second one, I would need a system permitting to easily tune expressed amounts. Idealy, I need to express lower and higher amounts than those of the first protein. I am aware this will be dependent on many parameters (e.g. protein sequences, or that p15A copy numbers are usualy half than for pET vectors). To simplify the discussion, let us consider a case in which the two proteins would be the same one.

I am considering the possibiity to use for the second protein a system controled by arabinose like the one on pG-KJE8 from Takara (pA15 ori, CmR, coding for AraC, I would remove before the Pzt-1/TetR/GroES/GroEL part). In your experience, do you think it is going to be possible to do what I want by playing with IPTG and arabinose amounts, or it is going to be complicated by other things (I read for instance on cellular heterogeneity with arabinose induction)? Would you advice another type of approach?

Thank you very much in advance,

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