
I am looking for an expression plasmid to be used in combination with pET15b or pET26b. I need to express two potential protein partners in E coli. I prefer to do the tests with two vectors, because I plan to run a combinatorial approach, since each protein means in fact 10-20 different sequences. Therefore, it should be faster/easier to carry out simultaneous transformations with couples of plasmids than preparing by molecular biology all necessary vectors containing the many combinations (100 to 400) of the 2 ORFs.

Since I have already my ORFs in either pET15b or pET26b-based vectors, the best would be to transfer them to a vector with a different replication origin and resistance marker (not Kan or Amp) -- by the way, I would prefer to use the same induction approach than pET vectors, based on pET T7/Lactose promoter -- This could be done by transferring just the ORFs using couples of restriction enzymes. There are many possibiities, depending on whether promoter/terminators are transferred aswell or not. That is why I schematically show how they are organized in each one of my plasmids:

1) --------/BglII/--T7promoter---LacOperator---/XbaI/--/SwaI/--RBS---/NdeI/---ORF--/NotI/--tag1--translationSTOP--/BamHI/---/XhoI/---/BlpI/--T7terminator------- (KAN resistance)

2) -------/BglII/--T7promoter---LacOperator--/XbaI/--/MfeI/---RGS---/NdeI/---ORF--/NotI---/tag2--translationSTOP---/SalI/---/AvrII/--/XhoI/---/BamHI/---/BlpI/---T7terminator-------/HindIII/------- (Amp resistance)

If you know of any available vector that might be appropiate for my purposes, I would be extremely happy to know.

Thank you very much in advance for your help,

With kind regards,


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