Can we consider photodynamic therapy of cancer (PDT) as an alternative method of conventinal cancer therapies like surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy ?? or it is just a complementary modality that can be combined with these therapies?
to my mind photodynamic therapy is useful in some very specific situations while the surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy trilogy remains the reference for all kinds of cancers, even if the relative weight of these three tools may differ according to localizations. I would say also that immunotherapy is much more promising than PDT in a general usefulness point of view.
For sure in the future it could be an alternative to one element of the aforementioned trilogy, but not to the entire trilogy. I am not a specialist but apparently the main limiting factor of PDT is the light delivery across tissues and in particular when deep tumors are concerned.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an innovative and attractive modality for the treatment of small and superficial tumours. PDT, as a multimodality treatment procedure, requires both a selective photosensitizer and a powerful light source which matches the absorption spectrum of the photosensitizer. PDT has its own merits compared to the conventional treatment methods due to its minimal invasiveness, repeatability without cumulative toxicity, excellent functional and cosmetic results, reduced long-term morbidity, and improved quality of life of the patients. Over the last four decades PDT has proven to be effective in superficial bladder cancer, early and obstructive lung cancer, Barrett’s esophagus, head and neck cancers, and skin cancer. It is also being used as an adjunctive therapy following surgical resection of tumor, to reduce residual tumor burden.
Photodynamic therapy is a well known non invasive therapy with minimal side effect. However, this therapy depends on the Light activation of the photosensitizer due to which the efficiency is only limited to the treatment of superficial tumour. But with the development of X-ray mediated photodynamic therapy this therapy can be utilized for the deep seated tumour also. Therefore , right now it is like a complimentary therapy but with the advancement this modality can become an alternative method for cancer treatment. below are the links realted to X ray mediated PDT:
Article Development of a functionalized UV-emitting nanocomposite fo...
Article Dual photosensitizer coupled nanoscintillator capable of pro...
Hello Issawi, PDT depends on how and where the cancer is too. If the patiente has a big tumor, probably the doctor will operate and PDT can be used as a complementary tecnique, but if cancer is on surface and not so deeper, PDT can be used as an alternative method.
PDT is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. PDT may also be repeated and may be used with other therapies, such as surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. PDT is usually used to treat tumors on or just under the skin or on the lining of internal organs or cavities. Thus, PDT is more COMPLEMENTARY METHOD also alternative method.