02 September 2022 0 2K Report

Hi Researchers and Scholars

We are a chemical research company using CHN 2400 from PerkinElmer for elemental analysis. Due to the Helium global shortage we switch the carrier gas from Helium to Argon.

The instrument is basically a combustion tube follow by a reduction tube: combustion tube burn the sample into CO2, H2O, NOx, and the copper plus in reduction tube reduce NOx in to N2; the target gases go through a GC column and the TCD detector.

Because Argon has high density and low conductivity:

- Our experiment result is poor at precision and accuracy

- Sometimes the compounds in certain category get the constant low C% reading

I was wondering if anyone have experience on running the instrument under Argon?

Some parameters we are working on includes the gas pressure, oxygen purge time and different tube packing techniques.

Thank you very much on your contribution!

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