For the first 10 months of me being in my permanent lab, our genotyping PCR was more or less a breeze, and worked wonderfully. However, it started working only about half of the time in October, and now it will not work at all. I've included an image of a gel I ran today. Sample 403 is a known positive control that used to work but no longer does. The four samples in the middle are new ones with unknown genotypes, and the three on the right are aliquots from nuclease-free water vials. I ordered new primers, prepared new solutions of MgCl2 and betaine (Q solution), and used new nuclease-free water. I'm running out of options, and my lab is now super backlogged, with around 100 mice that don't have genotypes. Please, if anyone has found a solution to a similar problem, let me know. The most puzzling part is that used to work all of the time, and now is a consistent failure.

Many thanks.

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