Dear colleagues,
Within the frame of the postdoctoral project INFRA-ART, an integrated spectral library exclusively dedicated to artists' and cultural heritage materials has been developed. The INFRA-ART Spectral Library ( is an open-access resource that was developed to support other specialists within the heritage science field that work with XRF, infrared (ATR-FTIR), or Raman spectroscopic techniques.
The database is an ongoing compilation of spectra that contains at this moment over 1000 ATR-FTIR and XRF spectra, and a preliminary dataset of Raman spectra, linked to over 500 reference materials (paint components, artist color paints, etc.). The database is keyword searchable and an interactive spectra viewer that allows users to visualize and analyze the spectra of each sample is available.
To support universal access and the reuse of scientific data, the database follows the European Commission’s recommendation on access to scientific information as well as the FAIR Guiding Principles on research data that result from publicly funded research. Users can request access to spectral data of interest via e-mail and subsequent completion of a File Access Request Form.
We invite the cultural heritage research community and other specialists in art history, conservation, or materials science to access and share this resource. Of course, your feedback is welcome. Please share your thoughts, questions, and suggestions below or e-mail us at [email protected].