hi i am really confused here. so let me describe what my experiments is all about. I want to look at whether certain signal pathways are activated upon mechanical stress onto cells, so i exposed my cells to mechanical stress at duration 0 min, 10 min, 20 min etc. from the protein lysate, i ran it on gel and transfer onto a membrane. Then i probe using antibody to detect phosphorylated form of signal protein. I then strip antibody, and detect using antibody against phosphorylated and unphosphorylated form (total signal protein) of protein. 

so this is considered as 1 replicate. i repeated and obtained 2 more biological replicated. for each one of them, i calculated the ratio of phospho to total protein. i then normalize the ratio within each blot to their respective controls (0 minute mechanical stress).

i made a silly mistake of not sticking to a particular exposure timing when i expose my blots. i was wondering if i construct the graph using the normalized values, will the values 'add up'? that is, is it comparable? or is it not comparable simply because i didnt stick to particular exposure timing.

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