I am investigating the predictors for adverse events (AEs) from a sample of 400 patients recieving an injection therapy. The outcome AEs is binary and I will use a multiple logistic regression model:
AEs = diagnosis + region + structure
(R code: model=glm(AEs~Dia+Reg+Struc,family="binomial"))
The levels of each of the variables are:
AEs: 1 or 0
Diagnosis: RA, OA, or other
Region: Shoulder, elbow, foot, hand, hip, knee
Structure: Joint, tendon, bursa
Then I came to think about:
1) Is it a problem, that some combinations are impossible/will not be present in the dataset? E.g. ’other’ will never be combined with ’hip’, ’elbow’ will never be combined with ’joint’ etc.
2) If not; I have considered adding interactions between all the predictors, because it clinically makes sense. However, will 1) be a problem for the model in that case (I am aware of that I will not get any estimate for e.g. ’elbox:joint’ etc., but does it harm the model?).
(R code: model=glm(AEs~Dia+Reg+Struc+Dia*Reg*Struc,family="binomial"))
Thanks in advance
Best regards