I am writing my bachelor thesis and I'm stuck with the Data Analysis and wonder if I am doing something wrong?
I have four independent variables and one dependent variable, all measured on a five point likert scale and thus ordinal data.
I cannot use a normal type of regression (since my data is ordinal and my data is not normally distributed and never will be (transformations could not change that) and is also violating homoscedasticity), so I figured ordinal logisitc regression. Everything worked out perfectly but the test of parallel lines on SPSS was significant and thus the assumption of proportional odds violated. So, I am now considering multinomial logisitc regression as an alternative.
However, here I could not find out how to test the assumption on SPSS: Linear relationship between continuous variables and the logit transformation of the outcome variable. Does somebody know how to do this???
Plus, I have a more profound question about my data. To get the data on my variables, I asked respondents several questions. My dependent variable for example is Turnover Intention and I used 4 questions using a 5 point likert scale, thus I got 4 different values from everyone about their Turnover Intention. In order to do my analysis, I took the average since I only want one result, so one value of Turnover Intention per respondent (and not four). However, now the data does not range from 1,2,3,4 and 5 anymore like before with the five point likert scale but is infinite since I took the average and now have decimals like 1,25 or 1,75. This leaves me with endless data points and I was wondering if my approach makes sense? I was thinking of grouping them together since my analysis is biased by having so many different categories due to the many decimals.
Can somebody provide any sort of guidance on this??