15 March 2024 3 9K Report

In my study, I have a within-subject independent variable (the DV was measured twice for each participant), and I am also interested in examining the effect of participants’ demographic characteristics (between-subject) on the dependent variable. Therefore, I am running a mixed model ANOVA using SPSS.

Here are my questions:

  • I noticed that the SPSS output of the mixed model ANOVA is slightly different (in both the main effects of the two IVs and their interaction effect) when I (1) run the analyses for each demographic characteristic individually and (2) include all the demographic characteristics in the between-subjects factor column simultaneously. Why is this the case? (Is this related to multiple comparisons and type I error? and/or different missing data in the multiple analyses?) And which one is the correct way to do so?
  • One of the demographic characteristics I am interested in examining is a continuous variable (e.g. age). However, since the IV must be categorical for ANOVA, can I include the continuous variable as a covariate in the analysis but interpret the results the same as if it is an independent variable? If not, then what analysis can I perform in SPSS to examine the effect of a continuous between-subject IV on a continuous DV, along with the categorical within-subject IV?
  • Thank you in advance for your advice.

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