I am trying to isolate mononuclear cells from mice bone marrow (Femur & Tibia ) . I noticed that the first two days from isolation the monocytes were slightly turbid my question is do they grow in a cell suspension ?
It is possible that this turbidity is due to the adipose tissue that is associated with the bone marrow. If your goal is to grow those mononuclear cells you should wash them before the in vitro culture.
An interesting recent article show that " Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cell Factor Mediates Metabolic Regulation Of Hematopoiesis"
The turbidity you see is from the high number of cells you have in the suspension. A lot of the cells you plate would die or lift off of the plate. Your are supposed to remove media containing non adherent cells every alternate day and replenish with fresh media containing M-CSF. This is normal.