Good day to everyone! I am currently doing a study chitosan-based active packaging films and I am planning on incorporating seaweed extracts from Caulerpa racemosa, Gracilaria heteroclada, and Kappaphycus alvarezii to them. Based on the literature that I have read, methanol is the ideal solvent to use in extracting the antimicrobial compounds present in the seaweeds. However, my professor told me to make sure and if possible, find another solvent to use for extracting the seaweeds as methanol is known to be toxic. Since I am going to incorporate the extracts of the seaweeds to active packaging films specifically for breads, of course I have to use a solvent that is safe and non-toxic to human consumers. My question is: Can methanol extraction be food grade? Also, are there other solvents that are food-grade that can be used in extracting the antimicrobial components of the seaweeds? Any reply would be much appreciated! Thank you so much!