I have been on a project on measuring vascular reactivity with resting-state BOLD fMRI. So far I have used FSL to determine task-based fMRI analysis. So I found a paper where cerebral vascular reactivity is measured during the resting state of the brain. But I am finding it difficult to design the GLM for this particular task as from the paper it is not cleared how they have designed the GLM which is the basis for determining the vascular reactivity of the brain. This is the paper "Article Measuring vascular reactivity with resting-state blood oxyge...
"The paragraph from the paper which I need to reproduce and implement in my work is :
" We considered the mean BOLD signal in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to be an indicator of internal physiological fluctuation and stimuli to the vascular system. We computed the degree to which each voxel responded to this stimulus using a GLM (Y = Xβ + ɛ). The CSF signal was used as the predictor (X), and the voxel-wise parameter estimates (β) obtained from the GLM were used as an indicator of VR. The CSF signal for each subject was calculated by averaging across all voxels within a CSF mask obtained using the automated segmentation tool FSL (FAST). We will refer to this approach as rs-PFR (resting-state physiological fluctuation regression)."
So I seek help from my fellow research community on how to approach this problem.
I have some queries in order to implement the above:
1. Do I have to use any other software other than FSL?
2. The details of how the GLM is designed is not clear and how it can be designed using FSL.
3. It is not clear from the paper how the CSF signal was obtained. It says that "the CSF signal for each subject was calculated by averaging across all voxels within a CSF mask". Does it mean that the CSF signal was obtained after masking all the slices individually that was in the volume and then calculating the average value of the voxels within a CSF mask of each individual slices separately?
4. And how did they obtained the BOLD signal of all the voxels from the CSF mask? We can see the BOLD signal by clicking over a particular voxel but to get the BOLD signal of all the voxels I am not able to find a solution for this.
I will be really glad for any kind of help provided and would duly acknowledge all the kind of suggestions and support from the research community.