24 November 2020 0 888 Report

I'm analyzing the sub-surface stresses in a line contact in combination with a tangential load (sliding cylinder). I can calculate Sxx and Szz (Z is the normal to the contact surface). And Syy is then n*(Sxx+Syy) with n = Poisson ratio. All stresses are along the X-axis (Y=0) and at various depths Z below the surface contact.

Than, after calculating the principal stresses S1, S2 and S3 (=n*(S1+S2), I want to calculate the maximum shear stress, the maximum of: (S1-S2)/2, (S1-S3)/2 and (S2-S3)/2.

What I now see is that around a friction coefficient of 0.25 (Poisson=0.3), the maximum shear stress 'shifts'. In other words: S1-S3)/2 gets bigger than S1-S2)/2.

It also 'shifts with different values of the Poisson ratio, but that I already expected after reading this article on Poisson ratio effects: Article Poisson ratio effects and critical values in spherical and c...

from I. Green.

My question now is: is that correct or am I making a mistake somewhere?

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