I am currently developing a numerical model to observe the effect of bolt preload on ultrasonic signal propagation across a bolted interface. Since, bolt load and PZT patch modeling is only available in Dynamic implicit analysis, I applied the bolt load in a general static model and then imported the deformed geometry to model ultrasonic signal propagation in a dynamic explicit model.
However, in the transmitted signal, I am observing a dominant low-frequency vibration along with the ultrasonic signal. I was able to extract the actual signal by applying a bandpass filter around the signal frequency.
For the excitation of the signal, I used pressure at the patch area, and the transmitted signal was recorded with out-of-plane displacements.
Do you have any insights into why I am observing this low-frequency component? This phenomenon was not present when I performed a similar analysis on a single plate.
For the boundary condition, I had fixed the ends of the plate with ENCASTRE constraints.
Attached is the transmitted signal and its filtered version.