I am doing virus (AAV vectors) injection in deep brain structures (100~200 nl) of mice and I would like to simultaneously inject a dye or a colorant that is non-toxic (as much as possible non-toxic) and water soluble (compatible with virus injection) that lasts a couple of weeks in site in order to visually detect the injection site while cutting the brain for histology. The idea is to easily pick up which slices I will be interested in doing further immunohistochemistry on, therefore the dye should be easily seen with the naked eye while cutting in a vibratome or a freezing microtome.

I have experience with Chicago SkyBlue but I have only used it for acute experiments. I also think it is toxic and I don't know if it will last in the brain for two weeks. In the lab a colleague has used Alsian Blue but she also thinks it is toxic and doesn't know if it will last in the tissue two weeks after the injection.

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