Hi everyone,
I've some issues with meshes in OpenFOAM. I have three different domains in STL format and each one has meshed with cfMesh utility. The issue resides when I try welding the different meshes. After of used the mergeMesh utility, I used the stitchMesh command but it does not work.
I have had switching the pointMergeTol (as recommended in CFD forum) in toleranceDict file and used integral or partial flags but the persistent errors are bad points, duplicate points, or simply core dumped.
I utilized the mergeMesh to build the entire geometry and stitchMesh to manually delete the duplicate faces (internal faces).
My goal is to use the topoSetDict file and create the faceZones and three cellZones (one cellzone for each stl file) as requiere my case. The solver to apply is buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam
Is there another way to do it?
What am I doing wrong?