Hello, I have a longitudinal data (30 measures) from 30 subjects. These subjects are divided into three groups (a, b, c).

My question is on how should I build the LME, this is one possible approach:

I could start with the null model (M1 = response ~ time)

and then include an additive fixed effect effect from the groups, this would result in (M2 = response ~ time + groups) and compare both. Then, include an interaction term (M3 = response ~ time * groups)

and again compare.

Then, adding the random effects for the intercept would result in (M4 = response ~time*groups, random = 1|Subject), and finally the full model, with random effects for both intercept and slope (M5 = response ~ time*groups, random = Time|Subject).

On the other hand, I could start including the random effects from zero (M1). Is there a correct approach to this problem?

On the comparison part:

I am comparing models with difference in the fixed effects through wald t-tests (anova (mn)). With this result I check the individual significance of a fixed effect instead of comparing two or more models directly.

Whereas when the fixed effects are the same but the changes occur in the random effects, I am using anova (m1, m2, ...mn) to compare the best model.

Is this the correct approach also?

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