23 September 2015 9 434 Report

It is a case of patient:

An 50 year old female, in 2008 was diagnosed the Coeliac disease. From young ages have got per os iron, but from 3,5 years getting it IV. every 3 month.

For dyspnoea was at cardiologist, who made an ECHO, and saw the large RA, mild Tricuspid insuffitientia and the right apex was thickened and a thrombus  was there. 

Chest CT made: PE excluded

Cardiac MR: thickened right apes, and septum. Thrombus in right apex. Fibrotic thickening in right ventricle. Good Left and Right systolic function. No more.

Lab parameter: The eosinophilia was only once high (from docs what we have) when she had a maculo-papular exanthema. (39%) After that and before it was normal.

Se Fe, transferin and ferritin now is low.

For neoplasma syndroma was made more exam and show negative result. (Gastro- colonoscopia, gynecology exam Abdominal sonography, consultation with immunologist, etc -)

My question and hypothesis:

Hypothesis: It my be a Löffler endocarditis, because for 2008 she do not know for Coeliac disease and have many times allergic reactions, including itching and rash. Maybe the persistent high level of eosinofils caused the fibrotic changes.

But why other causes where high eosinofil level is persisting long time there is no fibrotic changes in heart or other organs, eg. COPD or Asthma bronchiale?

And how now confirm or reject the Löffler endocarditis or other endocardial fibrosis?

And fibrosis what is the treatment, for your practice?

Thank you for answers!

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