Thank you, dear Dr. Mohamed mustafa Mohamed iqbal for adding your reply.
According to my understanding:
The (ext-list-September-2018) file includes all indexed and canceled journals (shown in red color) in the Scopus database. The (Discontinued-sources-from-Scopus) file include only journals that have been canceled from the database of Scopus. According to my follow-up, the (Discontinued-sources-from-Scopus) file is continuously updated more than the (ext-list-September-2018) file. You can check the existence of the journal in Scopus using the (ext-list-September-2018) file and check if the journal is canceled or not using the (Discontinued-sources-from-Scopus) file.
It seems that the number of updates per year is not fixed. Sometimes the update is done every two months and sometimes the period between one update and another is about four months.
Provide great information, could you send me a link of the list. Scopus discontinued some of my colleague objection regarding and a total of 558 journals.
Dear, Dr. K. Pattabiraman , thank you for adding a reply.
I searched in Scopus website about the mentioned title and I found a journal with the title "Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications" without the words "journal of". If you mean this journal, then it is still till now in Scopus list but without CiteScore. It may have a value for CiteScore in the next June. The ISSN of "Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications" journal is 1229-1595.
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (P-ISSN: 0974-2441 and E-ISSN: 2455-3891) is discontinued from Scopus in January 2019. Volume 11 (2018) is the last one in Scopus.
for your contribution. Please, check the following link. You can find an attached file of journals list that discontinued from Scopus on May 2019. The "Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research" is canceled from Scopus during 2018. You can see the journal highlighted in yellow color.
Dear Dr. Zena K. Kadhim , thank you for adding your contribution. I checked this journal and it did not discontinue from Scopus database. Based on the last updated list of the discontinued journals (May 2019), the "Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments" is still covered by Scopus.
Thank you for your contribution. Scopus mentioned three reasons for the discontinuation: Radar, Metrics and publication concerns. I have no details about the criteria for each reason, however, the following attached file may have some information about this issue.
Many thanks, Dr. Alaa for adding reply. The last updated list of the discontinued journals was released on July 2019. There is no any update for 2020 until date.
Thank you very much, dear Dr. Mohd Normani Zakaria. Until yesterday, I visited the Scopus site to check for an update of the discontinued journals list for the purpose of posting them. Let me post it on the ResearchGate platform. Thanks again.